Winter is the time of year when flu season reaches it’s peak, striking thousands of people. The hardest part of this illness is the decision on when to stay home from work – especially if you have important projects underway at the office.

Although you may feel as though you are letting down your fellow colleagues by staying home for a few days to recover – it’s also important to remember that exposing co-workers and clients to harmful germs is also frowned upon.

If you have the misfortune of getting the flu this season, remember these few tips on cold and flu etiquette for the workplace –

~ Get the Vaccine. Even if you feel that you’ve missed the opportunity, there is still plenty of time to get vaccinated from the flu. Although the vaccine won’t totally guarantee you from getting sick, it is the best protection available.

~ Wash Your Hands. Although you should always practice good hygiene habits with soap and water, this time of year it is even more important. Be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap, drying them thoroughly, after every bathroom visit and before eating. Try not to touch your face with your hands until you have washed them – helping to avoid germs.

~ Stay Clean. Purchase hand sanitizer and germ killing sanitizing wipes to cleanse your telephone, keyboard and other desk surfaces that are frequently touched.

~ Stay Home. If you have a fever and body aches, or a constant cough and congestion – stay home. Although you may feel that you are letting colleagues down, they will actually be thankful that you are not exposing them to germs that they might not only contact, but also possibly bring home to their families.

~ Sneeze Into Your Shoulder. This may seem awkward, but if you have the urge to sneeze or cough at work – do not do this act into your hands, as they will undoubtedly touch office items. Instead keep hands as sanitary as possible by sneezing into your shoulder or elbow.

~Use Your Left Hand. Always use your left hand for blowing your nose and when using tissues. This leaves your right hand clean for hand shaking with others at the office.

~ Buy Cough Drops. Nothing makes colleagues more uncomfortable than a constant nagging cough from a co-worker across the office. Have a supply of cough or throat drops at your desk to keep your coughing under control.

~ Use Technology to Stay Connected. Be sure not to return to the office until your fever has been gone for at least 24-hours. If constant rest is not an option, use technology at home to stay connected with colleagues, keeping you on top of work tasks.

The best idea is to try to take time to relax and rest – taking care of your health. By taking a few days to recharge your battery, you will be much more productive when you return to the office healthy.