4 Tips On How To Choose The Perfect Host Gift

With the holidays rapidly approaching, your social calendar may be filling quickly with holiday dinner and festive party invitations. Are you wondering if you should bring the host a gift? Have you ever struggled to come up with that perfect little token of...

Everyday Etiquette Released Today!

Heart is full — Dream come true. Honored and excited to share Everyday Etiquette with you. I so appreciate each and every person along the journey that has helped make this happen. I could not have done this without all of you. Thank you, thank you for being in...


Etiquette of the Social Kiss When you go to a social engagement do you do the social greeting kiss? When you arrive, do you kiss everybody hello? The decision on whether or not to opt for a social kiss depends on the situation and the relationship between the parties...

Wedding Invitations: 5 Tips for Responding

Since a wedding is a very special celebration for the happy bride and groom, you should consider it an honor if you are invited to share in this beautiful union. Here are five tips to follow that will show them how much you care: Open your invitation immediately and...

Super Bowl Party Etiquette

Tip #1: Do bring a dish to share to the Super Bowl party. Even if the host says not to bring anything, bring something anyway. More food choices and variety make the party memorable. Try to bring something you can eat with one hand and also consume in a few bites. Tip...

Regifting Etiquette: Is there such a thing?

Here we are in the middle of January with the holidays behind us and a pile of gifts that may just not quite be exactly what we wanted or needed but we received them from our favorite Aunt Gerte. It’s time for regifting! According to Wikipedia, the term...