Keeping Your Workspace a Respectful Place

  We all want to feel at home at work, but what happens when the things that make us feel at home are what make others offended or uncomfortable? Here’s a few pointers on how you can add a touch of your personality to your desk while still respecting...

5 Signs Your Funny Story is Inappropriate

You’ve just been hired at a new company, and to celebrate, the boss and his wife are taking you and your significant other out to dinner. So far, things are going great. Your boss beams at you as he passes you the bread, complimenting you on your first day....

5 Ways You Can Be a Better Texter

How many times have you read a message from your significant other, eyebrows raised, as you wondered if they were annoyed at something you said, or just busy at work? How many times have you sent a text realizing it contained an embarrassing autocorrect mid-send? If...

How to Tactfully Handle a Coworker Conflict

Anyone who’s worked in a group, whether it be for a class project or work project, knows that moments of friction can occur.  Maybe one person’s work isn’t up to par and the rest of the team is constantly making up for it, or perhaps someone...