by Patricia Rossi | Dec 3, 2015
Holiday party season is in full swing and with it comes questions on greeting, lending the hostess a hand, eating, arrival times and being sure to say the proper ‘thanks’. These things may seem to come first nature, but if you think that it’s easy – think again....
by Patricia Rossi | Aug 27, 2015
Your online goal should be the same as if you were in person: to engage, give value, and make someone’s life better. It’s hard enough to figure out someone’s intent in person; trying to “read the room” online can be even more...
by Patricia Rossi | Aug 25, 2015
Whether you’re an up-and-coming business professional, a seasoned professional or a newly-minted college graduate, chances are you rely on technology heavily to keep up with your workload and accomplish daily tasks. But reliance on technology has led to a decline in...
by Patricia Rossi | Aug 20, 2015
Seems to me the directives on this sign are the same for being a success in business. I came upon this sign while hiking in North Carolina two weeks ago. It made me laugh, as wildlife etiquette is the same as workplace etiquette. STAY CALM. Business is a wild...
by Patricia Rossi | Mar 26, 2015
Today’s 5 etiquette tips will help all of you independent, creative, business people, who call the coffee shop your office. For many entrepreneurs and independent business owners, as well as those of us that work from home, the local coffee shop has become our...
by Patricia Rossi | Feb 12, 2015
Valentines Day is a time when you may be questioning and how you can celebrate the holiday in the workplace without receiving those awkward glances, or a call down to HR the day after Valentines Day. Don’t stress I have some quick Do’s and Taboos which...