Extending First Class Civility

Easily extend honor and respect to everyone we come in contact with both in person and online. Support. If someone expresses that they are an aspiring photographer or looking to get connected with a well-known company in the area, help them connect the dots. Keep the...

Navigating Graduation Season

May is a month full of exciting celebrations as the next generation of leaders celebrate their graduations. It’s also a month full of graduation ceremonies, parties, and announcements. Here are my tips for navigating this graduation season: Graduation Gifts. If you’ve...

Dine Like a Diplomat

From the buffet line to the business brunch dining is an integral part of business. Showering those around you with honor and respect is key to building long lasting relationships. Adapt. The beautiful thing about dining at a table with attendees of all different...

Networking on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful networking and relationship building tool in today’s fast paced business world. Social media platforms can be intimidating, having their own unique algorithms and requirements. Here are my tips for optimizing your LinkedIn strategy: Establish...

7 Random Acts of Kindness That Don’t Cost a Dollar

Ambushing those around you with love and kindness doesn’t have to break the bank. This upcoming Valentine’s day try these 10 suggestions that don’t even cost a dollar! Get active in your community. Pledge to volunteer 2 hours a month with an organization that serves a...