conferenceHave a business conference that you plan on attending in the near future? Instead of just picking out a professional outfit to wear the night before, here are a list of a few things to help you not only learn more while attending the event, but also to possibly help your career along the way.

1- Do Your Research. Several days in advance take the time to read the conference’s program and make note of the people that you would like to meet. If you would like to spend some time with the company’s CEO, try to plan a way to introduce yourself, or to talk to their assistant, spouse, or a person that is connected to them that could introduce you both.

2- Make Every Minute Count. If the conference is being held out of town, do your very best to stay someplace close by so that time is not wasted commuting. Also try to arrive ahead of time, allowing yourself a few hours to decompress before the first meeting begins, ensuring that you feel fresh and alert.

3- Arrive Early. Be sure to arrive early to the event. This will help you feel more comfortable as the crowd grows, and can be useful if you are shy around new people. Although you may feel intimidated, don’t become a wallflower. Getting caught up in this activity will make it impossible to meet new people, and might make others not want to approach you.

4- Mingle Near Food. Instead of standing near the bar, where most people only visit to order their drink and leave, plan to linger around the food table. This is the area where most will gather and the best small talk is made.

5- Always Give Your Full Attention. The person that you are speaking with always deserves your full attention. Glancing from side to side during conversation is unprofessional and shows that you would rather be talking to someone else. Rubbing one person the wrong way can be crucial and possibly mean loosing a future network connection.

6- Try to Talk to the Keynote Speakers Early. Once speeches are made, most people at conferences swarm the podium area. If you don’t want to get lost in the shuffle, try to catch a few minutes with the speakers prior to their time in front. This will give you more meaningful one on one time with them.

7- Remember that Everyone Loves to Walk About Themselves. Instead of talking about your interests, ask questions to others that will draw them in to the conversation. Ask about other things besides work, possibly bringing up hobbies or family.

8- Goal is to Build Relationships. Break out of your same old chain gang. Don’t get caught in the same social trap of walking around with the same people through the entire conference. Search for people that look, smell, act, think and are different than you because as I always say, “The person with the widest, deepest, most global relationships wins…”

Using these networking tips may be just the help needed to boost your career or even possibly land you a job further up the corporate ladder.