Back to school is an exciting time for every member of the family. But, with that said, a new school year also marks the beginning of busy schedules full of extra curricular activities.
If you find yourself struggling this season at the office, trying to keep everything together due to the new added things on your already busy schedule, here are a few ideas to get your work space in order and help you to feel like you too have a fresh start –
1~ Remove the Clutter. Spend a few extra minutes to go through the piles of papers on your desk. Removing clutter and having a clean desk can make your days flow more peacefully.
2~ Update Your Space. Update your work area with new family photos or inspirational quotes, giving you something fresh to look at. Purchase a few new office supplies when school shopping with the kids.
3~ Take Advantage of the Weather. If the intense heat of the summer months left you strictly inside the air conditioned office day after day, take advantage of the cooler weather by getting outside during breaks or lunch. Take a quick walk around the block or enjoy eating your lunch outside. Fresh air can do wonders to help you unwind.
4~ Deep Clean. Sanitize your keyboard, wipe off your computer screen and dust all of your office shelves. Purchase hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes to keep your area clean during the fall and winter months when germs make their appearance.
5~ Take Time for You. Between meetings at work and carpooling to school and soccer games, it’s hard to take time for yourself. Although this may seem impossible – it is essential. You can’t be of help to anyone if you are cranky and run down. Plan a date night with your husband or a girls night out, or even schedule yourself a weekend massage or pedicure.
Small changes in the office can keep your motivation high during this busy time of year – making you more productive in all areas of your life.