8 Etiquette Tips for Traveling on Cruise Ships

Before the hustle and bustle of the holidays gets underway, could you use a little rest and relaxation? Perhaps a host of great adventure is what you seek. Well, both can be found when traveling the high seas. Cruises can be fantastic fun and if you want your sailing manners to be ship shape, consider the following tips before you set sail.

  • Follow the rules. – Cruise lines have well established plans for embarking, debarking, customs and provisions. You can be assured everything will go smoothly if you read over the rules and follow the system.
  • Pay attention to the lifeboat safety drill. – You may be excited about your pending adventure, but pay attention to all safety drills. The life it saves may be your own.
  • Keep a positive attitude. – If you remind yourself that “no one is perfect”, chances are you won’t be bothered by the occasional imperfection. Babies get cranky, things occasionally break, the weather can be unpredictable, etc. Of course, everyone wants to get the most out of their cruise experience, but realize unexpected problems may arise. Just roll with it and your journey will go more smoothly.
  • Dress for public view. – Be modest, comfortable and elegant. You can check with your cruise line for suggestions on what clothing is recommended and keep in mind that many cruises are comprised of travelers of all ages.
  • Be considerate of others. – Bear in mind the ship cabins are close together and are not soundproof. Open and close your door quietly so as not to disturb others who may be sleeping and speak at a sensible level.
  • Don’t be afraid to get some exercise. – The elevators tend to get very crowded, especially around dinner times, so consider using the stairs. The added exercise will keep you in ship shape.
  • Know your limits. – Yes, you are there to have fun, but if you overindulge in food, desserts, or alcohol, you may end up spending time in the medical facility. I’m guessing that’s not on your itinerary.
  • Be a first-class tipper. – Your wait staff works hard to make your cruise an enjoyable experience, so don’t even consider skipping dinner on the last night to avoid tipping. They deserve a nice tip and a proper goodbye. You can ask your onboard concierge for gratuity guidelines or visit cruisetip.tpkeller.com.

Bon voyage!

Wishing you much happiness and success!

Patricia Rossi, America’s Etiquette and Protocol Coach, www.patriciarossi.com