4 Helpful Tips to Avoiding Office Gossip

Let’s face it; most of us have a desire to be liked by the people we work with. We want to form friendships and bond with at least one if not all of our co-workers. This is a good thing, but be careful you don’t make the mistake of allowing gossip to be the bond that holds your relationships together. “The Office Gossip” is not a label that suggests this is a person I can trust, count on, or want on my team.

Here are some tips to help you avoid the business “rumor mill” whether in the office face-to-face or via social networking sites.

  • Set a good example. – Behave as though the person being spoken about is right there with you. How would you talk about them (if they were there) and how would you defend them?
  • Change the subject. – If you find yourself among co-workers who are gossiping, attempt to redirect the conversation to another topic. Focus on something work related or a different subject that is uplifting in an effort to change the atmosphere.
  • Be respectful. – If others are gossiping, don’t be rude or disrespectful, but be sensitive. Consider everyone’s feelings and handle the situation as diplomatically as possible. If the gossiping continues, politely excuse yourself and leave the conversation.
  • It’s only hearsay. – There are two sides to every story, so if you happen to overhear someone gossiping, do not automatically assume the rumor is the Gospel truth. If you have a concern, you can confront both parties or speak with someone in human resources.

Keep in mind, gossip is hurtful and can be harmful to someone’s reputation and/or career. It can create stress in the workplace and distract people from getting their work done. Remember, you were hired for a particular job that has specific responsibilities, just like every other employee within the company. If you all work together, the company will be a success. Gossip will only hinder reputations, job effectiveness, and possibly the success of the company.

Wishing you much happiness and success!

Patricia Rossi, America’s Etiquette and Protocol Coach, www.patriciarossi.com