Are you planning to travel to another country where you don’t know the language? Planning to get by using gestures? You’d best be careful, as various gestures have different meanings in foreign countries. You could give someone the “a-ok” sign outside the US and end up getting yourself beat up. Following are a few examples of gestures that have various meanings.
- Sit in the front seat – If you hail a cab in Australia, you will offend the driver if you get in the back seat. They consider everyone equal and will be insulted if someone doesn’t sit in the front seat with them.
- Don’t cross your legs – In middle-eastern countries it is offensive to point the bottom of your foot at someone. Physically and spiritually, they consider this the lowest part of the body. If you cross your legs and the bottom of your foot is pointing toward someone, you unintentionally offended them.
- Stick your tongue out – If someone stuck their tongue out at you in the US, you might be offended. But, in Tibet, this is considered a friendly greeting.
- Be careful giving a “thumbs up” – In the mid-west, giving a thumbs up means “good job” but in the middle east, it means you want to be intimate with someone. Whoa! That could be awkward.
- Spit on the top of your head – In some countries, this would be very offensive, but in Kenya, if an old woman spits on your head, it is considered a blessing. Hmm!
These are just a few gestures that have various meanings in different countries. There are many others, so it is a good idea to pick up a travel guide in advance of visiting another country and brush up on the body language of that location.
Wishing you safe travels, much happiness, and success!
Patricia Rossi, America’s Etiquette and Protocol Coach,