8 Tips for Eating During a Board Meeting
When a board meeting is held over a lunch hour, it is not uncommon for food to be served in the boardroom during the meeting. If business must take place during a meal, be sure to practice you best business dining etiquette.
Following are a few tips to keep in mind the next time you are eating during a meeting.
- Be punctual. Arrive at the meeting at least five minutes early. This way you won’t be exasperated as you rush in the door, important papers flying all about. It is imperative you show that you value other’s time as much as your own.
- Know where to sit. If you are leading the board meeting, then you sit at the head of the table, or this seat may be reserved for a key speaker or customer. Second in command would sit to the right of the manager. Extroverts should try to mix in with the introverts to get everyone engaged in conversation. If you are new to the board or meeting in someone else’s office, it is polite to ask where they would like you to sit.
- When food is offered, make sure you serve yourself only one time. Furthermore, if there are two sets of salad tongs in the salad,or in any other dish, it is appropriate for you to wait until the person ahead of you in line has finished serving themselves before you dig in.
- Less is better. Make sure your plate does not contain more than three different food items on it. Also, avoid heaping the food onto your plate, keeping in mind this is a board meeting, not a food festival.
- No see-food. It is not proper, or attractive, to speak with a mouth full of food. Also, be careful not to drop crumbs on important documents, your lap top , or other folks personal space.
- Don’t be a Jack-in-the-Box. No getting up and down several times to get more food or drink; you will become a distraction. Remember, just serve yourself one time.
- Pace yourself. Do not eat too quickly or slowly. Try to finish up around the same time as others, so you can then focus on the business at hand.
- Give thanks. When the meeting has concluded, take a moment to find the person that ordered the food and drinks and thank them. Find something positive to say about the fare, expressing your appreciation.
Wising you much happiness and success!
Patricia Rossi, America’s Etiquette and Protocol Coach, www.patriciarossi.com