Here are some keynote speaker secrets I’ve learned:

  1. “Just Love On ‘Em” is what I say to myself when I’m feeling scared of so many people in the audience. That is my mantra before walking on the stage. Remember that the audience is always secretly pulling for you because People are good that way.
  2. Shake hands and make a connection with your audience members before and after the event. In the early days, I used to use baby powder on my palms when they would get sweaty. Antiperspirant works well for this, too.
  3. Move about the cabin. I have always said that I’m allergic to podiums. Anything that requires me to stay in one place for long periods of time tends to make me crazy, besides I have always thought that podiums look like upside-down caskets. Walk around while speaking. This brings the audience in, helps you engage with them more, and also relaxes you.
  4. Leave People, Places, and Things better than you found them.

Use these keynote speaker secrets to improve your speaking game.