Take a look at how far we’ve come…

Before the 2020 pandemic, only 6% of people worked from home. These days, 21% of Americans are working from home and have no plans to return to an in-office job–according to a recent poll gathered by The Atlantic.

That trend will only continue to rise. Last year, over 38 million people quit their jobs in 2021.

Why? Because they’re in search of freedom. They want to find a job that’s either entirely remote or in a hybrid role.

But how can you be successful in these roles? How can you ensure daily success when your boss isn’t there to stare over your shoulder?

What is Hybrid Work?

Hybrid work allows workers to work from the office or home. More importantly, it gives you the freedom to work from wherever you so choose.

These include a flexible work arrangement. Your employer allows you to work from anywhere you want; whether that’s at the office, at home, or a nearby coffee shop.

Successful Hybrid Work Habits

Working from home offers a lot of freedom, regardless of whether you’re entirely remote or in a hybrid role. In a lot of ways, it allows you to become your boss; but that can be a blessing and a curse.

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to have home office success by balancing your family and career. Here are the most crucial ones:

Write Down Your Daily Goals

Every day is a new day. There are new goals to achieve, both big and small. Why not carve out a bit of time each morning to write down what you hope to accomplish that day?

Studies have shown that you are 42% likelier to achieve your goals when you’ve written them down.

Each day, make sure to write down the following:

  1. Write down daily goals you want to achieve
  2. Set time codes to achieve them
  3. Set a start and stop time
  4. Manage distractions; put your smartphone on airplane mode

Get Up Early

If you aren’t careful, the demands of modern-day life can sabotage your workday before it even gets started.

In this digital age, it’s become harder than ever for us to focus. We schedule countless meetings, receive personal and work-related texts, and scroll through our social media constantly.

Waking up earlier can help you knock out several tasks for the day before the sun even breaks the sky. How cool is that?

As Robin Sharma famously states in his book, The 5 AM Club, “Own your morning. Elevate your life.” If you need direction with how to start getting up earlier and accomplishing more, that book is a great place to start!

Plan Your Breaks

Working from home allows you a bit more freedom. Use that to your advantage!

Make sure to reward yourself for all your hard work with structured breaks throughout the workday.

Need a few minutes away from the computer screen? Take 5 to 10 minutes to reset.

Are the kids getting a little too rambunctious in the living room? Give yourself a small break to help everyone calm down and stay occupied.

Your employer will thank you as well, as taking breaks has shown to provide such benefits as:

  1. Decreasing stress
  2. Increasing overall productivity throughout the day
  3. Gives you time to assess your goals
  4. Increasing employee communication
  5. Improves your overall mental health

The Dos and Taboos of Hybrid Work

Hybrid work is what you make it. Like any other work arrangement, the choices you make will dictate your success. Here are a list of Dos and Taboos for hybrid work.


  • Be intentional about communicating with your team
  • Make sure the location you wish to work from has free, functioning Wifi
  • Ask your manager/employer for their desired onsite/offsite work ratio
  • Build a meaningful culture with your department


  • Attempt to micromanage your team
  • Allow your emails to pile up
  • Stack your day with endless meetings
  • Underestimate the value of connection

Elevate Your Hybrid Work Success

Maximizing your hybrid work success starts with having confidence in your abilities.

The secret to self-confidence is knowing how to handle every situation, even when the going gets rough.

Be sure to purchase my book, Everyday Etiquette, for guidance on how to navigate all the common and uncommon social situations that you’ll face in your hybrid work role.

Are you looking to build a successful culture in your company? If so, then my signature keynote speaking programs can teach your entire staff how to be effective in different work environments, as well as master the essentials of influence, leadership, and networking.

Let’s connect for a 15-minute call! In our call, we’ll discover your core networking strengths, conquer core networking challenges, and uncover your true social-ability!

Talk soon!

Patricia Rossi