People assume they must have good looks, only drink water from the fountain of youth, and have the secret “it” factor to be a well-liked person in the workplace. While we’d all like a glass of water from the fountain of youth, there are no secrets to presenting yourself as relatable and likable.

Building your rapport in the office will help you gain respect and buy in from your colleagues. Below are habits to stop right in their tracks.

Gossip. Gossip is the fastest way to loss your respect around the office. Even if you did not start the conversation or the person is not present end the conversation. If you feel stuck in the situation simply say “I have many things to work on, with myself, then to talk about what is wrong with someone else.”

Tardiness. Showing up late to meetings makes you appear unorganized and unprepared. Respect your colleagues by showing up on time for appointments with a few notes or questions.

Not Recognizing. Everyone wants to feel appreciated for the work they do. A simple note or email recognizing contributions to projects or employee improvements goes a long way. Encourage the positive impact your colleagues have on your work experience.

Checking Phone Messages. There is nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who is glancing at their phones or responding to emails while you are trying to meet with them. Be present and contribute to the conversation. If you are tempted to glance at your phone, leave it at your desk and return to it.

You Talk About Yourself Too Much. There is a difference between noting your accomplishments and dragging on about them. Take your experiences and use them to support the goals of others, not brag about what you’ve done.