For the past decade, millennials have been transforming the workplace. The millennial generation has been both criticized and celebrated, but is now no longer the youngest group on the scene – as they are maturing into the higher-ranking office professionals.

As the millennial group begins to gain experience and power, several questions arise. Many worry that these individuals won’t preserve the values that have made them so unique in the workforce, and that they may transform into something entirely different.

With that said, it is definitely a fact that 2018 will be an interesting year with millennial generation still shaping the workplace.

The following are some things that we will most likely see from millennials throughout the next year –

1~ They will Prep for the Next Generation. As millennials get older they will start to prepare for the next generation that is about to enter the business world for the first time. This year the older millennials will begin noting the top differences of the generation that’s about to replace them, and will start preparing to address the differences with a new perspective.

2~ Define New Leadership. There are several important things about millennials taking over workplace leadership. Because the baby boomers have begun to retire, the largest population in the workforce is currently held by the millennial generation – who are now mostly in their mid 30’s and more experienced. As leaders, millennials will prioritize ethics, values and feedback. They will define a new generation of influence and leadership.

3~ They Will Settle Down. Millennials have been previously criticized as being known as job hoppers, always unable to commit to one employer for long. But by 2018, with more stable positions and experience under their belt, this group is ready to be loyal to their employers and settle down.

4~ They Strive for Diversity. Being the most diverse generation so far, millennials are excited about their political views and philosophies. With more millennials taking leadership positions, there is bound to be a bigger push for diversity and inclusion programs and incentives.

5~ They Will Question Automation. Millennials will have to face the difficult choice of either embracing the technical trends and artificial intelligence, or decide to try to restrict it. Millennials show to be one of the most conflicted generations on the subject, so polarization in the workplace may occur, or a shift of millennials pulling toward one side or the other.

Now that they are getting older and taking leadership roles, millennials will have a profound effect on how the workforce will change this year, and many years to come.