If you are a recent college graduate, or just someone that is starting out in the business world, it’s important to know that almost any job you take on will demand the task of learning new skills.
This time of adjustment can be difficult, but is a normal anxiety induced period of both learning and growth. The most important part of the transition is to learn and master a few basic office etiquette rules that will help your career throughout your life.
Here are a few etiquette blunders to avoid in the office – as well as rules to live by, helping to ensure your career kicks off well and continues to grow –
1~ Don’t Deny Your Mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes – even those colleagues that have been at the office for years. The important lesson is to know that mistakes happen and can be a learning process. If you feel that you have messed something up – take a deep breath and relax. You are human. Realize that things can be fixed. Just remember to admit your wrong doing and fix the situation.
2~ Don’t Be A Know-It-All. Confidence is important at the office. It may be one of the qualifications that helped you land the job. But you will be more well-liked if you also remain humble. Don’t over-do colleagues stories or project ideas. While it is okay to add to the conversation, it’s also important to listen and never overshadow others. Don’t act like you are above anyone else – no matter what position you hold.
3~ Continue to Take on Small Tasks. Even if your job does not normally entail answering the phone or getting the mail, be sure to continue to do these simple tasks when needed. This proves to others that you are a hard worker that is always willing to lend a hand, and makes you an asset to the company.
4~ Never Ignore Advice. No matter how many hours you have put in behind your desk, there is always room for more knowledge. Take the time to listen to those colleagues that have been with the company for years. Listening is considered an even stronger skill than speaking – and shows great respect to others. Ask engaging questions and give them you undivided attention when getting advice.
5~ Always Watch What You Say. Everyone is on their best behavior for the first few months of a new job. The hard task is to always use your best manners at the office, even after years of employment. Never slip and say something that you will regret later. Words can’t be taken back. Even during a stressful day, keep track of your comments while at work as you never know who is within earshot.
6~ Be Polite. No matter how high up you are at the office, treat all other employees with respect. This goes for receptionists, parking garage attendants and mail delivers. Kindness is just as easy to share as negativity and can help make someone’s day, showing respect.
Following these tips could help you inspire others and open the door for future opportunity and possible promotion.