Whether it’s added money to your salary or moving to a private office and the opportunity to take on additional tasks, a work promotion is something that most employees long for.

Although the announcement may make you swell with pride, it’s important that you accept the promotion with grace – and don’t let your adrenaline make you appear to hasty.

Instead you should kindly thank your boss for the offer and make sure that you take the time to ensure the new position is the right fit for you. Also take time to be sure that you will be able to handle the new responsibilities and still be able to balance everything – including family and personal life too.

Here are a few ways to graciously accept a new promotion at the office –

1~ Ask for Details. Sit down and make a list of questions or concerns that you might have about the new position. Make sure to meet with your boss to fully discuss your new role and share your questions with them. Having things written down ahead of time shows your manager that you are focused and ready for your new responsibilities.

2~ Be Thankful. Prove to your boss that you are grateful for the promotion by hand writing a short thank-you note. Hand written notes show more appreciation than traditional email. If more than one person was responsible in promoting you, be sure to write and send separate notes to all of those involved.

3~ Talk to Your Colleagues. As you accept your new position at the office, it is important to be upfront with your colleagues – as your role is about to change. Continue to be kind and respectful with all co-workers to ensure to them that the new power isn’t going to your head, but telling them yourself before office gossip starts is important to continue your relationship and respect among your piers.

The grace that you show while taking on your new leadership role will most likely play a huge role in determining your success there and help with future promotions as well.