Graduation is a major accomplishment – showing years of hard work and dedication – and is a time for celebration. Whether the student has recently completed high school, or is being honored for graduating college, it’s a major milestone in their life.
Even if you receive several graduation announcements this season – feel pleased that you are among the list of people that the honoree wants to celebrate with during their special day.
Sometimes being invited to a graduation party for the child of a colleague or boss, whom you don’t know very well, may leave you wondering about the proper etiquette on gift giving ideas for the honoree.
Here are a few ideas to help this graduation season if you feel awkward with giving a monetary gift:
1~ Restaurant Gift Card. It is a well known fact that college-age, and young adults, love to eat and typically don’t have an extensive budget at this stage of life. Gift cards to a fun restaurant are always a welcome gift, allowing the recipient a fun evening out to look forward to.
2~ Luggage Set. Whether the graduate is headed off to college, or just taking community college courses, at some point in their life they will need to use luggage – even if it is for vacation time. A small, professional set of luggage is an excellent gift for someone making the step into adulthood.
3~ Gas Card. With the price of gas always on the rise, the gift of a gas card is something that any young adult will appreciate – giving the assurance that they will have some help during their commute.
4~ Laundry Essentials. Many young adults forget about the fact that leaving home means that they are now in charge of washing their own clothes. The purchase of a laundry hamper, filled with soap and quarters for the machines make a fun and practical gift basket.
5~ Desk Supplies. When a graduate is headed to a university to continue their education, making them a basket full of office and desk supplies can be a much appreciated gift. Some ideas are desk organizers, note cards, pens, a desk lamp and even a calendar or alarm clock. These items will help keep them organized during their new demanding schedule at school.
6~ Towels and Linens. Students heading off to college, or even graduates diving into their new professional careers can always use new sheets, throw pillows and blankets or bathroom towels. Purchase fun, bright colors and patterns to spruce up their day, when used.
7~ Cards. If your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to attend the graduation celebration, it is always proper to at least send a card of congratulations. If you decide not to include a check or gift card inside, by taking the time to at least mail a card shows the graduate and their family that you realize the importance of the event and are honored to be included in their celebration.
By following one of these ideas, you just might give the gift that the graduate treasures, or helps them during the next exciting phase of their life.