With the current political race and candidates heating up and being a constant topic on every news program, it is a difficult decision whether the topic of politics should be brought up during social gatherings.
Like the topic of religion, politics has always been part of the grey area of things to talk about among friends, while socializing. With several recent polls taken, is has now been deemed okay to talk about political views, especially this year.
The following are a few tips on how you can discuss the latest political news at gatherings, while making sure not to offend other party goers.
1~ Educate Yourself. Before bringing up any political topic, it is an excellent idea to be well-informed, allowing you the ability to participate in the conversation with knowledge. Try to at least educate yourself in each of the candidate’s platforms.
2~ Know Your Group. Make sure that you know the people that you are socializing with and don’t just assume that everyone wants to discuss politics just because you do. Don’t dominate the evening’s conversation with politics, as this is not only rude, but can get boring quickly.
3~ Remain Calm. Remember that even your closest friends can have completely opposite views on politicians. Even if someone says something that you find offensive, try to remain calm out of respect to the party’s host.
4~ Don’t Interrupt. Just as you will not agree with everyone’s opinions, the same thing will more than likely be the case on your views too. Be sure to allow others time to express their opinions and let their feelings be heard without interruption.
5~ Have Other Topics Ready. If the political discussion becomes heated, it is a good idea to have other conversation ideas on hand such as trending movies or different interests. Everyone enjoys talking about their favorite hobby and this can change the mood of the group quickly.
No need to be nervous about talking politics during your next soiree, and by following these guidelines you can ensure that things will remain light so that everyone enjoys a nice gathering and not something resembling a heated televised debate.