Hospitality is the simple art of making your guests not only feel welcome, but completely comfortable in your home. If 2015 is your year to host the holiday office party, or even a festive neighborhood gathering – here are a few tips to help ensure that your guests’ visit will be a memorable one.

~ Be Ready. Start party preparations early so that you are ready to warmly greet each guest as soon as they arrive.

~ Remember the Essentials. Besides stocking up on a variety of snacks and drinks, don’t forget to purchase the must have items like napkins, ice and both hot and cold beverages.

~ Buy Quality Items. Hosting a gathering for colleagues is not the time to save money by buying in bulk. Purchase quality napkins, cups, plates and snacks, ensuring that your guests feel appreciated and that you value their presence.

patricia Personally take the time to introduce guests to one another. One other way to brighten everyone’s day is by making small, take-home gifts, placed on a table by the door.

If the party that you are hosting is being held at the office instead of your home, try to make it look as festive and inviting as possible. Take a few minutes to clear clutter off the tables, making room for small decorations. It’s also a nice idea to bring holiday background music to liven up the scene.

Taking a few easy, but thought out details will surely make your gathering one to remember this holiday season.