We all want to feel at home at work, but what happens when the things that make us feel at home are what make others offended or uncomfortable? Here’s a few pointers on how you can add a touch of your personality to your desk while still respecting others.

Keep It Clean: The biggest way you can keep your workspace a friendly place is to keep it clean and smelling fresh. Once a week, take a few minutes to organize your papers, wipe down your desk, take your empty soda cans and water bottles to recycling, and double check that there’s no food items going bad in your drawers. Consider keeping a mild air fresher somewhere in your workspace; however, try not to overdo it with room sprays, candles, and perfumes as strong odors can be bothersome to individuals.

Avoid Provocative Images: Whether it’s a photo of you and your husband soaking up the summer sun, a sultry magazine clipping of a shirtless male model, or even a tasteful painting of a bikini-clad cartoon character, these types of images can lead to anything from unhappy coworkers to tricky lawsuits. Unless it’s a part of your industry, save this type of art and photography for your home.

Less Is More: A few tasteful items on your desk will appear far more inviting than a crowded surface. When choosing decorations, go for a variety of item types as opposed to a big collection of any one thing. This will prevent you from being dubbed as “Plant Lady,” “Cat Lover” or “Lego Guy” around the office, which leads to the next point.

Remember Your Desk Reflects You: Your workspace is often your first impression, and it can be a strong one. In the seconds it takes for you to introduce yourself to the new boss or coworker, this person will have already learned a few things about you just based on the environment you’ve created. Take a look around your workspace and ask yourself how others might see you without having met you, and remove anything that may be sending the wrong message.