images-144 Ways You Can Be Kinder to Your Admin Staff

Over four million Americans work as secretaries, receptionists, or assistants. From starting the morning coffee, to maintaining databases, to handling less-than-pleasant phone calls, no workplace could run efficiently without the constant hard work of the administrative staff. In honor of Administrative Professional’s Week, here’s four ways you can help make your admin team’s lives a little bit better.

Know Everyone’s Name:  Regardless of your position at your company, you should know the names of those who book your appointments, transfer your phone calls, bring in birthday cakes, and plan business parties. Greet them by name each time you come and go from the office. You’ll immediately make them feel more valued.

Say Thank You: While tasks such as making copies and delivering packages may be just a part of the admin job, expressing your gratitude can go a long way with making someone feel appreciated. Try to acknowledge everything they (and your other coworkers) do for you.

Do Some Things Yourself: Administrative jobs are busy jobs, so asking a secretary to put your letter in an envelope when you’re casually standing next to the open box of envelopes, can be irritating and a waste of time for your admin team. If it’s easier and faster for you to complete a little task on your own, then do so.

Respect Their Job Description: The role of an administrative staff member differs from each company depending on the size, the needs, and the industry. Understand what tasks are/are not their responsibility, and don’t ask them to do things they’re clearly not paid to do.