super-bowl-trophy-iconThe biggest sporting event of the year is only eleven days away, but for players, coaches, and us, the preparations begin long before kickoff. Even for casual sports fans, the game offers the opportunity to hang out with old friends and connect with new ones. In addition to past etiquette tips, here is your official Super Bowl party checklist, with seven ways to make everyone feel at ease, comfortable, and have a great time!

The MVP Super Bowl Checklist

Yes, you can click the boxes to check off your list!

1. Food and Drink

If attending a party, don’t arrive empty handed! Check with the host before Super Bowl Sunday, and see if a particular dish or drink is needed. Also, don’t forget to ask if alcoholic drinks are acceptable. For food ideas, check out this drool-worthy Pinterest board.

2. Seating & Viewing

Make sure you have enough seats for everyone invited, no one wants to stand the entire game! If you need extra chairs, ask guests to bring any folding chairs they may have. As a guest, be proactive and ask if any additional chairs are needed. If possible, arrange the seating so everyone has a good viewing angle, especially for those who need a comfortable place to sit.

3. Spread Out the Party

One of the best ways to make everyone feel comfortable is to specify a room (or rooms) to watch the game, but be sure to also have a room or area of the house for people to get away from the noise and mingle. I can think of times I met a new friend, or was busy catching up with an old companion, and was very grateful for a space we could speak without yelling!

4. Essential Items

At any gathering, make sure you have enough cups, plates, cutlery, napkins, bottle openers, and anything else the party may need. A halftime run to the grocery store for easy-to-gather items is not what you want to spend your time and energy on!

5. Cheer Enthusiastically, not Arrogantly

Remember other people are around! If you’re hosting or attending a casual party for people who are just using the game as an excuse to gather and have fun, keep their feelings in mind as you cheer and root for your team. Of course there’s nothing wrong with enthusiastically cheering at a football game, but leave the anger and trash-talking out of your repertoire.

6. Roam during Breaks

Whether between quarters, at halftime, or whenever you see plates, cups, and napkins pile up, a quick trip to the garbage can will do wonders towards making the end of night cleanup more manageable. This also makes a good impression on any co-workers, bosses, or family members you may be around. You’d be surprised how a far a little common courtesy goes!

7. Educate Yourself

You don’t need to be able to run down the entire roster or recite stats from the season, but knowing just a little bit about the teams playing, and the players involved will make the night more fun. Many sports websites have cheat sheets leading up to the Super Bowl, so keep an eye open. I’ll also try to post anything I see on Twitter (@PatriciaRossi) or Facebook.

Enjoy the Game!

Getting together with friends and eating good food should always be fun, and with this checklist in mind, you’ll be ready to tackle anything that comes your way!

Photo via Endless Icons