Thanksgiving is a day we have set aside to do exactly that. Give thanks. In the busy-ness of everyday life, it’s easy for us to lose sight of the many blessings we have, and thanksgiving helps us recall what truly matters to us. Food, shelter, friendship, and so much else.
As I was reflecting on what I’m truly thankful for this year, these 10 blessings came to mind again and again.
1. Water
Simply having drinkable water is a modern luxury that not everyone in the world has. Can you believe this?! Water is like heaven to me, reminding me of how I’ve been washed clean. Whether drinking, bathing, or raining, I love love love water!
2. Coffee Dates
For 15 minutes each morning, Bobby and I spend time sipping coffee and talking about our family and the day ahead. When we clink our cups together and smile over sips, I know I can face whatever the day brings!
3. My Siblings
My sisters Dee and Joy, brothers Neil and Justin, and the memory of Allen. They strengthen me, console me, encourage me, and challenge me. I wouldn’t be where I am today with their support!
4. My Cubs
If you’re here for the first time, this is the little pet name I have for my boys. So thankful for them and the incredible blessing in my life! Just to hear them call me “mama” makes my heart wobble (most days!)
5. My Sweet Friends
Cris, Jodie, and Michelle, we’ve laughed and cried through this shared journey of raising kids, and they are some of my favorite memories! We’ve meals and clothes, highs and lows, and you’ve always been ready when I’ve needed you. I’ll be forever grateful for the times we break bread and help heal broken hearts! I’m so grateful for the friendships I share with the Myrna’s, Melissa, Wendi, Jodi, and Sylvia, and the truth they share, good and difficult, it’s always what I need to hear!
6. Food
I’m thankful I have food to fix and serve to my family and to others. Sometimes I take for granted this amazing gift, and how so many people in the world, and even in our own country, don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
7. Nieces and Nephews
God blessed me with their smiles and laughter, they are a treasure and always make me smile.
8. O’dark-thirty & 3:00 pm
3:00 pm is when I get to see my cubs again after a day at school, picking them up and hugging their necks. I’m thankful my body will wake up at O’dark-thirty so I can get to work and knock out the day’s work so I’m able to be in line at 3:00 pm.
9. Speaking
I’m blessed to be able to speak and share for a living, teaching kindness and communication to make companies and organizations a better place to work and live together. This has always been my dream and I’m so blessed to be able to follow it. Go fast, go together, go far!
10. Faith
The invisible vehicle that has taken me out of the darkest of places and prepped me for the brightest of places. This little poem that gives me slices of heaven all day long, every second of the day, IF I do what it says….
Finding the way to heaven is not a matter of talking about it with arrogant certainty. It is a matter of…
~Searching Quietly
~Acting Humbly
~Serving Gracefully
Most of all, it is a matter of accepting my own flaws, before I searching for the limitations of others…
What are you thankful for this holiday? Please share with each other in the comments, I’d love to hear how you’re being blessed!