Minding your manners at the gym
#1 LEAVE YOUR SUN GLASSES IN THE CAR: You are at the gym, not walking the red carpet. So unless you’re in the C.I.A. or witness protection program save the shades for outdoor activities.
#2 AVOID USING YOUR CELL PHONE: Not one person on the planet has ever gotten in shape by exercising their vocal cords. People don’t really want to hear about your tilted uterus or how your doctor, husband or psychic are planning to fix it.
#3 YOUR TRAINER IS NOT YOUR THERAPIST: Your trainer doesn’t care about your in-laws or your best friends bunion surgery . They are the professionals you hire for strength and conditioning coaching. So let them do the job that you are paying them to do.
#4 KEEP YOUR GRUNTS AND LOUD MOANS TO A MINIMUM: You’re working out ?not birthing an 8 pound child. You’re at the gym-not the maternity ward. So keep those scary loud noises to yourself.
#5 WAIT YOUR TURN: Other people matter. So show them respect while waiting at the cardio machines , locker room, water fountain and the parking lot. Remember, it’s not only about how you look on the outside . Your character, decorum., and kindness are what really make you shine.
#6 REMEMBER SWEATIQUETTE: Please no sweat deposits! It’s yours-so wipe it up and take it with you.
#7 IF YOU PICK SOMETHING UP: Put it back! Ropes, balls, mats and weights all have a special place where they belong. Leave things in an orderly manner for the people that come after you.
#8 REMEMBER THE 3 S’s: To have respectful personal and public protocol at the gym you must remember the 3-S’s : Refrain from Swearing , Staring or Singing loudly to that high dollar IPod.
PATRICIA ROSSI is the Nationally syndicated Manners Correspondent for NBC’s Daytime,where she hosts the popular Manners Minutes segments. Patricia is a sought after etiquette consultant and public speaker who focuses on kindness as opposed to formality. Visit patriciarossi.com for manners clips, event appearances and workshops near you. 727-375-0375