4 Tailgate Party Food Ideas

No matter if you are a fan of football, basketball, hockey, or racing – where there is a stadium, you can bet there will be tailgate parties preceding the event. All you have to do is put on your game day jersey, select the right mix of people, add a variety of food and you are bound to have a great time.

The key to satisfying everyone is to offer an assortment of foods. Finger foods are the easiest to share with a group of friends since they don’t necessarily require utensils, a plate, or even a seat.  A napkin will suffice.

Talk with your group and decide who will bring what items – of course, enough to share with everyone. Include: appetizers/snacks, main dishes, desserts and beverages.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Appetizers/Snacks: chips, dips, salsas, party mix
  • Main Dish: subs, burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings (slather them with a new flavor of wing sauce – different from what was offered last season).
  • Desserts: cookies, cupcakes, fun size candy bars
  • Beverages: (If it’s cold outside) hot apple cider, hot chocolate, or coffee in a large thermos. (If it’s still hot out) favorite cold beverages in a cooler of ice.

Remember to bring a trash bag to clean up after your tailgate party. Have fun…Go team!

Wishing you much happiness and success!

Patricia Rossi, America’s Etiquette and Protocol Coach, www.patriciarossi.com