Since a wedding is a very special celebration for the happy bride and groom, you should consider it an honor if you are invited to share in this beautiful union.

Here are five tips to follow that will show them how much you care:

  1. Open your invitation immediately and respond as soon as possible, even if you will not be able to attend. A wedding requires a great deal of planning, so the sooner guests reply, the smoother plans will progress.
  2. The response should match the invitation. If you receive a formal invitation with a RSVP card and self-addressed stamped envelope, then that it the appropriate way to respond. An Evite, for example, would call for an online response.
  3. Who’s invited? Whoever’s name is on the envelope. Children are invited if their names are on the envelope along with the parents.
  4. If your plans should change after you have returned your RSVP, call the bride or groom immediately. It is best to honor your commitment, but occasionally unexpected circumstances are unavoidable.
  5. Once you have sent your RSVP, be sure to put the invitation in a noticeable location, such as the refrigerator, to use as a reminder of the upcoming event.