I’m so very thankful for my loyal fridge. It lets us fill it up, empty it out, spill things all over it. It lets us loom in front of it without a curfew... bringing us comfort with it’s shining light- when we are happy, sad, or too worked up to sleep.

It bulges with our appointments and knows which ones we look forward to and others we dread. It holds our celebratory landmarks ,works of art and favorite pictures like a porcelain coat of armor depicting a life well lived.

It never tells on us when we pause in front of it looking for that Snickers Bar when we both know good and well that it never made it home from the grocery store. It watches us every single night do our family dance of love in the kitchen as we celebrate Daddy coming home from work.

I think I actually saw it smile once when the dog jumped into our nightly modern tribal dance. It is humble… humming right along with the boiling pot and hissing dishwasher, never ever letting on that it’s the heart of our home keeping us all nurished and our rituals safe.