Before You Graduate: What Every Young Adult Should Know About Etiquette
by Patricia Rossi | Apr 1, 2010 |

- A handshake is the only physical form of contact you have with another person It speaks volumes about you and how you feel about the other person, so make it count. Shake it like you mean it!
- You are a walking autobiography. The way you stand, walk, and use body language says it all without you saying a word.
- The way you wear and take care of your clothes is an indicator of how you will take care of your clients.
Polish those shoes, sew that lose button, and for goodness’ sake–get a lint brush! You may love Fido, but your potential employer doesn’t need the dog’s hair to adorn his chair and carpet.
- There is one word you can use that will always leave a favorable, lasting impression on others: their name.
When someone shares their name with you, do your best to remember it. Don’t waste time and energy thinking up something clever to say. Instead, keep it simple: The most clever thing you can say is another person’s name.
- When being interviewed over lunch–you aren’t there to eat.
Don’t order anything too expensive or difficult to eat. (Eat a snack before you go!) The focus of the lunch is to get to know the other person and to share things about yourself. If you are eating like it’s the last meal you’ve had in a week, it will be difficult to leave a favorable impression. When the lunch is over, write a thank-you note from your car. Drive to the nearest post office and mail it the same day. That will send a great message about you . It shows you don’t procrastinate, you have manners, and are gracious.
Hi Patricia – congratulations on the blog – what a wonderful resource you are sharing with others. I absolutely loved your phrase “You are a walking autobiography” – – that is such good advice to keep in mind. Often times we forget that we’re sending so many messages without even opening our mouths. Thank you for your valuable insight!
Dear Patricia,
I loved this post. Being a mother of two teenagers, one of them close to starting college, I am always trying to make them aware of the importance of being considérate to others, and to have some knowledge on how to behave in public and in different situations. Please, give us more of these posts, so we keep helping our children grow as real ladies and gentlemen.
Kind regards!
so happy you enjoyed the post. I will keep em coming. Have an amazing week….
My very best,
Patricia Rossi
This advice is GOLDEN. As someone who interviews a lot of people I cannot believe how many folks do NOT do these things. Following these 5 rules puts someone way ahead of those who don’t know or don’t care.
Greetings Roger~
So happy you connected with the rules.
Yes, they are so simple yet vital.
Thanks for stopping by the blog.
My best,