In today’s business world, it is common place for large companies to hold dinner meetings, or to celebrate a milestone with a formal evening gathering.

During these types of occasions, your business etiquette must extend beyond the office walls. People with good dining manners can impress their colleagues and bosses, helping their career progression.

The following are some tips to follow when dining out for work –

1~ Dress Appropriately. Just because the dinner is an evening event, does not mean that you should dress for after hours. Wear something professional, but comfortable enough for extended sitting at a table. Try to avoid tight clothing and shirts with only small straps, as many restaurants are cool inside. Bring a small cardigan sweater to put on in case you get chilly.

2~ Turn Off Your Phone. Make sure that you turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate. People that you are with should always come first and technology second. Don’t even check your phone at the table, as it appears rude to those around you.

3~ Know the Restaurant. If you are located in a large city and have never been to the restaurant before, familiarize yourself with the establishment before attending. Take time to visit the restaurant’s website to look up the exact location and view the menu. This will help the day of the event, so that you know how to get there and have an idea of the dining options.

4~ Don’t Order First. Listen to what others at the table are ordering and follow their lead. If your boss orders a three-course meal, try selecting something similar to help things run more smoothly.

5~ Be a Good Listener. Get to know everyone at the table with dynamic conversation. Ask open ended questions. Be interested in what others are saying. This is the best way to establish personal connections.

Proper etiquette is very important in the business world, so next time you are invited to dinner with executives from your company, be sure to bring your best to the table.