The Super Bowl provides a great yearly event for gathering with your family and friends.

In fact, many people that get together on Super Bowl Sunday aren’t even football fans – but instead just enjoy the opportunity to socialize while enjoying great snacks and drinks.

The following is a list of things to remember if you are hosting a Super Bowl celebration this year, ensuring that all guests have a fun evening –

1~ Planning. Send out themed invitations for this football event. Making small football shaped cards are a fun way to get guests in the spirit of the day. You can even go one stop further by asking everyone to wear their favorite team’s colors to the party. Be sure to have guests RSVP so that you have an adequate number of drinks, snacks and seating available.

2~ Prepare the House. Make sure that you not only clean the house well but also have extra seating available and additional trash containers handy for your guests’ convenience. If you live in a cold area, make sure to clear all ice and snow on the path to your house for safety reasons and supply places for everyone’s coats to be hung.

3~ Decorate. While purchasing decorations for the event, remember that no matter what team you prefer, that you have an adequate amount of both team’s colors throughout the house. If some guests aren’t football fans, have an area set up for them to socialize together without disturbing the game fans. Buy plates in the football team colors and even decorate your mailbox so that guests know just which house is yours.

4~ Purchase Enough Supplies. While shopping, remember to buy a variety of snack and drinks – and don’t forget desserts. Also make sure to buy plenty of non-alcoholic beverages – ensuring the wants of all guests is met. Set cups and ice buckets on the counter for easy access.

5~ Food Preparations. Have food set-up in a separate room than the game, allowing guests a place to gather. Good snacks are a must for this event, but can just be placed in large bowls for easy consumption. Super Bowl parties are not usually known for fancy set-ups, but instead for the quality snacks. Decorating the table can be obtained easily with small football themed items.

6~ Have Games Planned. Purchase small prizes and have a few games planned for halftime and post game fun. One idea is to have guests write down what they think the final score will be and the closest guess wins. You can also host a Nerf football throw contest, if you have adequate space in your house.

7~ Be a Good Host. For the guests that are there to enjoy the game – keep track of their need for drink or snack refills, and offer to do so. Also try not to invade the viewing area, but periodically make a sweep of the house, removing empty plates and cups.

8~ Keep Things Light. As the game comes to a close remember to try keeping the trash talk to a minimum and the spirits light. Offer desserts to everyone and start one of the planned games.

9~ Thank Guests. Don’t start cleaning up food and other items after the game. Wait until all guests have left your house to do the clean-up duties, as this makes them feel rushed. Be sure to walk everyone to the door and thank them for coming. Even if the party runs late, just focus on cleaning up the essentials and items requiring refrigeration. Be sure to take time to sit down and relax as hosting events can be exhausting.

By following these tips it won’t matter which team wins the big game because your guests are bound to have a memorable Super Bowl evening with you.