Standing in front of others and delivering a presentation is never an easy task, even for company CEOs. Sometimes our nerves tend to take over, causing feelings of fear and anxiety.

The good news is that although it may still be difficult for you to present things to your colleagues and bosses, there are steps that you can take before and during to better prepare you for that task.

1~ Observe and Accept. The first thing to do is to recognize that feeling nervous or anxious before a presentation is normal. Instead of panicking because of these feelings, simply observe those instincts and become comfortable knowing that discomfort is normal and part of the game. Nerves show you that this situation is important to you – use it to help you perform at championship level.

2~ Get In the Present With Your Body. When we let our nerves take over, we lose our presence in the moment and get worried about things like failure. Try bringing awareness to the moment with your body. Notice your racing heart or shallow breathing and take a deep breath. Look around at your surroundings and touch something physical, like a table in front of you while shifting your weight onto your toes and feet – bringing you into the moment.

3~ Prepare. Good preparation can help the nerves. Give yourself plenty of time to organize your thoughts, write important points down, and figure how long your presentation will take. Go to the location early and have everything laid out and ready before anyone else arrives, ensuring that you will appear fully prepared in front of others. Knowing that everything is ready will help you to feel calmer and execute a more professional delivery and allow you to greet people as they come in.

4~ Self Management. Accepting and calming your nerves before a presentation is part of the preparation process, but what do you do if you still feel uncomfortable during the delivery? One way to stay calm is have some answers to possible questions prepared ahead of time. You should also observe the faces of those listening to you, to see how they are taking your presentation. And, remember that everyone has gone through these feelings too.

Even if you are feeling uneasy about getting up in front of others, taking time to prepare for and accept your anxieties will actually help you to execute a professional presentation that will impress others.