How To Give a Good Handshake

Making a confident and committed handshake can be a great way to leave a positive and lasting impression. Here are some tips for giving a memorable handshake: Make eye contact: Before extending your hand make sure to establish eye contact. This shows that you are...

15 Top Email Wins

Here are some top email wins to help your communications land the right way. Always use a courteous greeting and salutation with the right level of formality. Write in complete sentences. Put the most important information at the beginning of your email. Keep your...

Key Relationship Building Steps

“Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in ISOLATION. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.” (Margaret Wheatley) RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL Most of...

9 Simple Tips for How to Remember Names

In my hmmm hmmm years of living on this earth, I have never met one living soul that didn’t love to hear their name. If you want to honor someone, bypass the diatribes about meeting Elon Musk, surviving 30 days at sea on a raft made of shark skin, or how you won that...

5 Tips To Master Your “Minglability”

Do you feel awkward in social situations? Here are five tips to help you master your “minglability”. That’s right: you’re going to learn how to mingle at business events. Ninety percent of the population has stated that they feel uncomfortable and awkward...

The Business Lunch: TOP 20 DINING NO-NOs

Here are some business lunch etiquette tips for dining with coworkers, colleagues or clients: * Don’t ask to taste someone else’s food or offer anyone a taste of your food. * Don’t talk with food in your mouth. * Don’t snap your fingers if you want to call the server....