In today’s world almost anything and everything can be done on your phone. From texting, emailing, viewing calendars, making appointments, and playing games – to ordering dinner or shopping, our phones have become our ‘go to’ item for connections.

The sad truth is that many of the younger business men and women of the world don’t know how to properly use their phone for conversations because they’ve used it for other purposes.

Most communication can be done through email and text messages, but talking to people still helps build relationships and can also help avoid miscommunications. Because of this, there are many reasons where phone calls are necessary in the business world, so brushing up on proper telephone etiquette is an excellent idea.

Telephone Conversation Etiquette Tips –

1~ Consider the Phone to Be Your Office. Always consider your phone for business.
* Try to never let it ring more than three times
* Always answer with a positive greeting such as, “Good morning”.

2~ Video Calls. Remember that everyone can see your surroundings on video calls, so make sure to appear at your professional best.
* Sit up straight with a friendly face
* Warn those around you beforehand that you can’t be disturbed
* Stay focused on the video and avoid distractions
* Never eat during the video call

3~ Speak Clearly. When on the phone the most important thing to remember is to speak clearly and enunciate properly so that the person on the other end can fully understand you.

4~ Volume Control. Make sure that you are speaking at a volume where you can be heard correctly, but not too loud, as you don’t want to come across as shouting.

5~ Full Attention. Give all of your attention to the person on the telephone. Don’t make important business calls while you’re driving, or during times when you’re in a busy environment full of people.

6~ Never Interrupt. Always give the other person time to finish their thought before offering your point of view. Never dominate the conversation, but instead make sure to consider that there needs to be equal parts of give and take.

7~ Calm Hands. Even if you have a hands-free device to use while making phone calls, don’t allow the other person to hear what your hands are doing. It makes that person feel less important when they hear you shuffling through things on your desk or typing, while they are trying to speak.

8~ During Group Business Calls. If you are one of several people on a conference call and you need to briefly step away, be sure to mute yourself during that time. This will eliminate unnecessary background noise for the others participating.

9~ Leave a message. Even if it’s short, be sure to always leave a message if the person that you are calling is unavailable. It is annoying for someone to see a number on their caller display, but no message. It leaves them wondering if they need to return the call, or if something is wrong.

10~ Know When to Tune Out. Being reachable is important for business matters, but what’s just as necessary is knowing when to turn your phone off. If you are at a business dinner or out enjoying some family time – turn your phone off. Give your full attention to those around you. The telephone will always be there when you are done and personal interactions are more important.

Although most of these tips seem obvious, it is important to remember that perception is vital for proper phone etiquette, not just in business but in personal life too. Even if you don’t realize you are doing something wrong, if someone perceives you as being rude – then you are being rude. Take time to realize what you are doing before picking up the phone – ensuring that your professionalism remains top notch.