With a large percentage of companies pushing towards remote work, local coffee shops have become a go-to place for meetings or projects. While your favorite coffee shop might feel like a cozy version of your cubicle with delicious coffee, it is an important place to show honor and respect.

The Guest Rule. Just as you adjust to the setting of a host’s home when you attend a party, the same idea applies to working out of your local coffee shop. You would never attend a neighbor’s birthday party and start rearranging the tables or moving their decorations as soon as you arrived. Many coffee shops have a specific layout to allow conversating friends and coworking professionals enjoy the same space.

Ordering. Before you plop down in a comfy seat to tune into a webinar or finish your sales report, order a small snack and drink. If you plan on staying longer than 3 hours, reorder or drop an extra tip in the barista’s tip jar.

Phone Calls. Unless it is a quick phone call (personal or business related), choose to step outside or call them back later. No one wants to hear about your company management or little Suzy’s ear infection. If you are in need of an affordable place to make calls for the day, you can rent a room at your community center or library.

Keep to one seat. If you plan to work out of a coffee shop for an extended period of time, don’t lug in all of your fancy equipment. One large bag and a briefcase is acceptable as long as you hang it on the purse hook or tuck them away on the floor. As tempting as it is to put your bags on the table or on another chair, keep your area clutter free for other coffee shop goers.