patriciarossi-everydayetiquette-august2015Seems to me the directives on this sign are the same for being a success in business. I came upon this sign while hiking in North Carolina two weeks ago. It made me laugh, as wildlife etiquette is the same as workplace etiquette.
  1. STAY CALM. Business is a wild adventurous ride. It is constantly teaching us, making us better, sharper, more agile. Lean into the lessons, the people, and the opportunities. We are in the Network age, where moving fast and slow are a secret to personal and professional success. The adaptation and comfort of on and offline interactions are a must in today’s business arena. Stay clam and embrace the gifts of both the traditional way of interaction in business as well as the entrepreneurial.
  2. MAKE NOISE. That old proverb of the ‘squeaky wheel gets the oil’ is so very true. Make a little low level noise online and face-to-face. Invite an online friend to a quick kneecap-to-kneecap coffee or a long slow lunch. Connect with a face-to-face friend on social media, so that you can keep in touch at the speed-of -click.
  3. DO NOT TURN AND RUN. Don’t rely on self-soothing tactics like staying hunkered down behind the safety of your computer. It is tempting, but making yourself get face-to-face with a few of your online connections will strengthen the relationships. Being able to see, hear, and taste while breaking bread or coffee roll with another person brings in four of the five senses, which deepens trust and camaraderie.